Jazz Society Fundraiser

We are members of the Maui Jazz Society and Wayne is vice-president. The organization put on a fund raising event on Friday. It was staged to raise money to produce a PBS Ken Burns type documentary about the musical life and career of Gabe Baltazar. Gabe is considered one of the greatest jazz saxophone players ever and he hales from Hawaii. He is a long-time friend of Bill Burton, president of the MJS.

It was billed as an evening of great jazz - provided by a jazz quintet fronted by Gabe's nephew, David Choi - with great food, silent and live auctions, all held at a sumptuous estate on the slopes of Kahalewai with an awsome view of the ocean channel between Maui, Lana'i and Kaho'olawe. The party started early and the sunset was gorgeous from the heights.
Caren took the role of Vanna White as she passed the many live auction items amongst the bidders. She was terrific and probably increased the bidding as she urged the potential buyers on.

After the party - which went on for several hours with the hard-core partyers - we stayed the night at the lovely estate in the glorious setting after a very late-night visit to the hot tub and pool.
The next morning it was a bit of clean up before the cleaning staff came and more time in the pool and taking in the marvelous views from the lanai and yard.